#LLBquarantinestyle / #QuarantineLibLooks

I mentioned in the last post that I was unsure of whether to continue with style/wardrobe challenges. Even though I posted them, I am still struggling with it. There is so much uncertainty in the world right now. When does life go back to normal? How long am I working from home? When will I be able to go to the grocery store without fearing for my life? Why does a week feel like a month? I know a lot of us are feeling all of these things. I want to push forward and pretend that things are normal, but they are not. So, I have an alternative. The appearance of normalcy, while acknowledging that none of this is normal.

That is where #LLBquarantinestyle & #QuarantineLibLooks come into the picture. I am not making light of the situation, I promise, I am not. I am just trying to bring a little light to the world. For me, I find happiness in two things: planning and style. Planning is pretty much nonexistent right now so that just leaves style. These challenges allow me to have a little bit of both my happy places. I hope they do the same for you.

So, those of you who have been following along will know that #LLBquarantinestyle is set up like #LLBwardroberemix. Here's how it works: 40 prompts, broken down into eight categories. You can do any prompt, from any category, on any day you want. This challenge works around your life while still providing hints of inspiration when you need them. Why 40 prompts? So you can skip the ones that don't work for you and still have a backup plan! What can I say? I like options!

Still hoping for a bit more structure in your day-to-day? Try #QuarantineLibLooks instead...

The daily themes are as follows:
Sunday Leggings
Color My Monday
Tuesday Shoesday
Branded Wednesday
Tops On Thursday
Patterned Friday
Saturday Bottoms

Wed. 4/1: American Eagle or Aerie. I will probably opt for jeans here, but their sweats are next level comfortable.
Thu. 4/2: College Throwback Shirt. I know you have one in your drawer somewhere. I have all kinds so it's going to be a tough choice.
Fri. 4/3: Hearts for Healthcare. Support our frontline healthcare workers by wearing hearts today.
Sat. 4/4: Not Doing Yoga Pants. I mean, you can do yoga in them...I just don't. *shrugs*
Sun. 4/5: Capri Leggings. I am more of a 7/8ths girl, myself. #tallgirlprobs
Mon. 4/6: Another Gray Day. I have no idea what the weather will bring, but I know I am dressing in grayscale.
Tue. 4/7: Comfy Slippers. The best WFH accessory.
Wed. 4/8: Staple Spanx. Honestly, I don't have any, but I am told their leggings are the absolute best.
Thu. 4/9: Cozy Sweater. In whatever form works for you. I have an oversized pullover in mind, but I also love a good longline cardigan. Decisions, decisions.
Fri. 4/10: Seeing Spots. Dots, leopard spots, whatever strikes your fancy.
Sat. 4/11: Jazzy Joggers. I love a good pair of joggers.
Sun. 4/12: Classic Cotton Leggings. You know, those Basic B leggings.
Mon. 4/13: Corona & Lime. Probably poor taste, but we have to cope in any way we can. For me, that's always been humor (or yelling, but I don't have the energy for that right now).
Tue. 4/14: Mocs & Socks. I can't say I am sad for an excuse to rock a cute pair of socks with a cozy pair of moccasins. Just saying.
Wed. 4/15: Right on Target. I know we are all going through serious Target withdrawals. I also know people have been buying the shit out of their loungewear online. Show it off today.
Thu. 4/16: Zipped Up Hoodie. I run hot all of the time...these are simply easier to take off/on.
Fri. 4/17: Hyped for Stripes. Add a pop of stripes to your look today.
Sat. 4/18: Oversize Sweatpants. That's right. Think college sweatpants. Or at least mine were baggy af, not sure if that's the standard.
Sun. 4/19: Lattice Hem Leggings. Anyone else hated these for the longest time? I walked by a pair in the store last month and suddenly just liked them. What's up with that?
Mon. 4/20: Black Screens Ahead. Seriously, I am so sick of screens. Think of how much more we will do without screens when this is over. Just because we can.
Tue. 4/21: Let's See Those Crocs. I'm not mad that these are making another go.
Wed. 4/22: New & Old Navy. Again, I know y'all have been online shopping like crazy...so show us that new haul from Old Navy.
Thu. 4/23: A Simple Pullover. Easy enough.
Fri. 4/24: Is Marled a Pattern? Really, is it? We are treating it as one, but I have no idea whether that's accurate.
Sat. 4/25: Super Soft Shorts. What's the point in scratchy shorts?
Sun. 4/26: Mesh Panel Leggings. Built in air conditioning leggings, that's what I call them.
Mon. 4/27: Bright As Sunshine. Let's brighten up our wardrobe and our moods today. You don't have to go full on neon, but more than a boring primary color.
Tue. 4/28: Show Those Toes. I know we aren't out there getting pedis, but paint those toes and throw on some sandals. Or go barefoot with bare nails, I don't care either way.
Wed. 4/29: Gap or Banana Republic. I know this is a go-to for office style, but they have some great loungewear and casual styles too. Personally, I have been living in my Gap joggers.
Thu. 4/30: Fave Graphic Tee. Preferably one with something cute, funny, or punny on it. Just saying.

I get that you might not want to post these outfits. If I am being perfectly honest, I probably won't. I just want something to look at and pretend that I am in control of my life. If you do post, use the #LLBquarantinestyle & #QuarantineLibLooks hashtags so I can follow your quarantine style journey.

If you need someone different to talk to, know that I am here for you. DM me on Insta and we can talk, online shop together, make inappropriate jokes, have a gif war...whatever gets us through.

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